Mai 20

China’s Movie Industry is the New Hollywood, some Top Filmmakers Say

According to Yu Dong, the CEO of Bona Film Group (a leading Chinese film studio and distributor), Hollywood producers lack innovation while China’s film investors have innovative teams.

Hollywood market seems to be saturated and little place is left for new directors. Therefore, Chinese film industry appeals more and more to young directors from both Hollywood and Asian movie industry because they need a better capital support. For instance, some companies won investments from Chinese Internet giants including Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings.

Joe Russo, the director of Marvel’s “Captain America” franchise said that “a growing number of Hollywood producers are coming to China for both “economic and artistic reasons”.

It appears to be the right time for Western filmmakers to bring their know-how to Chinese movie industry if they don’t want to miss a chance to enter Chinese prosperous market.



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